ICPC Asia-Pacific

Asia-Pacific Championship

Problem ID Problem Title Post Link
APC 2024E Duplicates Link (Kor)
APC 2024F Forming Groups Link (Kor)
APC 2024J There and Back Again Link (Kor)

ICPC Central Europe

Central Europe Regional Contest (CERC)

Problem ID Problem Title Post Link
CERC 2012B (BOJ 3406) Who Wants to Live Forever? Link (Kor)
CERC 2012I (BOJ 3413) The Dragon and the Knights Link (Kor)
CERC 2016H (BOJ 13952) Hanger Hurdles Link (Kor)
CERC 2018I (BOJ 16700) Shooter Islands Link (Kor)
CERC 2019A (BOJ 18171) ABB Link (Kor)
CERC 2019S (BOJ 18180) Saba1000kg Link (Kor)

ICPC SouthWestern Europe

SouthWestern Europe Regional Contest (SWERC)

Problem ID Problem Title Post Link
SWERC 2022C (BOJ 27595) Another Wine Tasting Event Link (Kor)
SWERC 2016F (BOJ 13962) Performance Review Link (Kor)

Poland Collegiate Programming Contest (AMPPZ)

Problem ID Problem Title Post Link
AMPPZ 2011F (BOJ 7911) Laundry Link (Kor)
AMPPZ 2012H (BOJ 7981) Hydra Link (Kor)

CTU Open Contest

Problem ID Problem Title Post Link
CTU 2004E (BOJ 6672) Electricity Link (Kor)

School Contests

Problem ID Problem Title Post Link
GSHS 2016F (BOJ 7981) 장비를 정지합니다 Link (Kor)

Atcoder Contests

Problem ID Problem Title Post Link
ABC 331F Palindrome Query Link (Kor)
ABC 333F Bomb Game 2 Link (Kor)
ABC 352G Socks 3 Link (Kor)